

編輯時(shí)間: 2016-06-13 12:22:36     來(lái)源:速來(lái)學(xué)整理sulaixue.com


 Describe a difficulty you once met and explain how you overcame it.
  Well,,,when I was in high school,my math teacher was so boring that every time I was having her class,I would fall asleep.Since I've lost my interest.I couldn't do well in it.Definitely(副詞強(qiáng)調(diào))that's the hardship I have met before. (主題段)
  To solve this problem,I come tomy ladybro Jessie who is a pretty smart person for help.She can always helps me copy with the problems in a much easier and more efficient way.For example,when I come across any Math problem, I'm gonna go to her for help directly(副詞x2).And she will nail everything down within 10 mins which(必備從句) often takes me around half an hour,and it usually makes me save a lot of time.(段子-合作/朋友篇)
  也可以說(shuō)bff (Best Friend Forever)
  copy with=處理
  come across=遇到
  nail down=確定
  1.Describe one way of study you have that is different from others.
  2.Agree or disagree that it is good to study with friends?
  3.When you have a lot of homework to deal with ,describe one way you would do to have them finished on time.
  4.What kind of personality do you admire the most?Creativity,courage or intelligence?
  5.If one of your friends is about to study math,what suggestion do you have?
  6.Describe a subject you want to do well in the future.
  7.Describe a subject that you think is very important but you are not interested in.

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本文關(guān)鍵字: 托?谡Z(yǔ)之獨(dú)立口語(yǔ)滿分范文,怎樣解決困難


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